Will the business operation result in any of the following impacts to the neighbourhood?
Will clients be coming to your home? Will parking be affected?
Are materials or equipment related to the business stored at your residence?
Will there be signage on the property?

For policies and regulations for Home Occupations see the Carman Dufferin Zoning By-Law.

I hereby acknowledge all information provided is correct and accurate. Should there be any changes, it is my responsibility to contact the Carman Dufferin Grey Planning District or the Town of Carman Office. I declare that I have obtained and provided copies of all necessary licenses/permits etc., as required under other Statutes, Provincial and otherwise, to operate as such a business, and I agree to comply with all rules and regulations that are now in force, or hereafter may be in force respecting the same trade, business or calling.

This document shall serve to notify the Town of Carman that I am/we are the legal owner(s) (“Owner”) of the Property and do authorize the person indicated above (Applicant) to operate a Home Business at the listed address in accordance with the By-Laws and Policies of the Carman Dufferin Grey Planning District and the Town of Carman.  I/we understand that all costs of enforcement shall be deemed an amount owing to the Town by the Registered Owner(s) of the Property, shall be added to the real property taxes, and collected and enforced in the same manner as property taxes may be collected and enforced under The Municipal Act and/or The Planning Act.

* - denotes required field